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Car Insurance

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Auto Insurance & Car Insurance

If you’re looking for auto insurance or car insurance in St. Augustine, Seaman’s Insurance Group has you covered! Contact us today for your complimentary car insurance policy review and quotes. Seaman’s Insurance Group is St Augustine’s Premier Boutique Surety Bond and Insurance Agency, proudly serving the First Coast (Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra Beach, St Augustine, Palm Coast), South Florida including Miami, Boca Raton, Tampa and the Florida Keys (from Key West to Islamorada, Key Largo and everywhere in-between).

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Contrary to popular belief, there’s much more to auto insurance and car insurance than simply cutting cost. Auto insurance is a major tool in protecting you and your family’s assets. If you’re like most people, you get in your car every single day and drive, which means you’re at risk every single day.

There are a lot of other drivers on the road and you can’t control what any of them do. Many of them don’t have enough or any car insurance at all.

What were to happen if you were found liable for someone’s serious bodily injuries, or even worse, death? Do you have enough car insurance coverage to compensate the other party for their losses? If not, your personal possessions and assets are at stake.

Remember, auto insurance and car insurance isn’t just for your car. It protects you as the driver from financial loss due to a major accident where there are injuries and possibly death.

Car Insurance Tree on Car

Click on the picture above to start your Florida Car Insurance Quote!

At Seaman’s Insurance Group, we’re not here to just try to save you money on your car insurance. The point of car insurance is protect your assets, and that’s what we intend to do.

Give us a call today to talk about your options!

Click here to run your own quote or fill out the form below to ask us to work up some quotes for you!





320 High Tide Dr
St Augustine FL 32080
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